Sunday, July 19, 2015

Dirty Little Rumors

I hate gossip. It is something that we as men, chide women for doing, yet I have to admit that men seem to do it more. Sharing the office scuttlebutt around the water cooler is a normal thing. Washington D.C. is no different. There are countless blogs and papers that treat members of congress like the Kardashian sisters. I did stumble over some gossip that I found intriguing if not troubling.

There is a rumor that Rep. Renee Ellmers, 2nd District Congresswoman from North Carolina, is having an extra-marital affair with a member of the GOP leadership. There are several sources sniping that Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Leader is that man.

It is not a surprise that the leadership seems to like Rep. Ellmers. She is totally devoted to the party line, and is a loyal foot solider for Speaker John Boehner. Nowadays, loyalty is very appreciated by the leadership. I hope that these rumors are untrue. For one, it would devastate the families involved. Two, it would mean that once again the Hubris of Washington D.C. had ensured the country girl from Dunn, NC.

The story has not gained legs. Trust me, if the liberal media gets ahold of this it would be a field day. I do not bring this up to hurt Rep. Ellmers or her family. I take no pleasure in bringing this up. However, we here in the 2nd District want truth. We want a Representative to Congress that is not an adulterer. These rumors may be just that. I would feel a lot better if I heard it from the mouth of our congresswoman.
